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FlashPrint Updated: More flexibility for Comfort Experience

3D Printing

After many iterations of Flashprint, finally, we have the second huge update. With more autonomy and adjustability, and more options at your fingertips, FlashPrint 5.4.1, creates a more comfortable printing experience for users. Below are some highlighted upgrade points on the previous versions.

Changeable font size, clearer and better 

The font size is related to the monitor’s size. Now it could be changed on FlahsPrint to avoid the font being too large or too small. 



Theme color as you wish 

Users could switch the color mode depending on the environment 
Click Preference – theme color 



Flexible extruder option: Different colors to define right/left extruder

The left extruder is displayed in green. The right one is yellow. 
The default display shows the right extruder printing. 

In the new FlashPrint version, users could freely choose the extruder to print the particle supports. 


Print the support by another extruder

Due to the large shrinkage material, the support and main body usually separate and warp up after finishing. Now, it is available for FlashPrint to print bodies and supports by different extruders separately and partially. 


Deeper autonomous slicing design 

Add the gcode icon to track the printing process. Users can check the gcode by printing the path, to figure out whether the patterns are proper or not, the command is normal or not. 

Now users can add filament patterns manually. After slicing, FlashPrint could present the grammage usage and calculate the filament cost. 

FlashPrint, the best 3D printer companion for Flashforge 3D printers. Understand printer better and get user experience noticed. FlashPrint adopts all operation systems: win64, win32, IOS, and Linux. Download FlashPrint here.

If you have any comments or suggestions on FlashPrint 5.4.1, please kindly forward to us by email at support@flashforge.com or join Flashforge official user group on Facebook community for discussion.